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Timers are used to generate low-speed output pulses or generate timing count values which may be used by GP Logic, GP Function or Math blocks to perform complex timed functions.

Timer Configuration

Output Pin

Choose which pin to control. If not set, the timer may be used via its Status output.


Timer status:

  • Inactive when timer is not triggered.

  • Remains Inactive after trigger until the holdoff period has expired, then becomes Active.

  • In Latch mode, remains Active indefinitely.

  • In Pulse mode, pulses for the Pulse duration, while the trigger condition is met.


Sets the timer mode:

  • Latch Mode - Upon trigger, start Counting. After 'Holdoff' time, State becomes Active.

  • Pulse Mode - same as Latch mode but Cycles with Holdoff/Pulse timing.

  • After activation, the next trigger resets the Count and State to Inactive.


Time in seconds since trigger. Rolls over to 0 every Holdoff + Pulse timing period.


When the logical expression (Parameter, Operator, Value) results in an Active status result, the timer is triggered.

⭐Edge operators function upon a parameter change.


Time to wait before going to the Triggered/Active state.


Time to wait before going to the Inactive state after a successful trigger.


The count of pulses generated by the timer.

Counter Reset 

Select a parameter, operator and value that, when evaluated as true, reset the Timer Count

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