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PID Controllers

PID Controllers provide powerful position and rate control over DC motors, Linear motors, and Solenoids  - applications may include Throttle body and e-Wastegate controllers.

PID Block Configuration

The output pin setting selects the output pin that is to be used.



PID Feedback input signal. Connect to an input pin, for example, ADIO1 State > Voltage, or a control parameter such as Math Block 1 > Result. Any PDM control parameter may be used.

FB Value

Monitor the feedback signal value - normalized from 0-100%

Error Value

Monitors PID target error value - from 0-100%


PID Setpoint input signal. Connect to an input pin, for example, ADIO1 State > Voltage, or a control parameter such as Math Block 1 > Result. Any PDM control parameter may be used.

SP Value

Monitors Setpoint signal error value- normalized from 0-100%

Input Conditioning

FB Fault High

Signals a fault if the feedback input value exceeds 'FB Fault High'

FB Fault Low

Signals a fault if the feedback input value exceeds 'FB Fault Low'

FB Cal High

PID feedback (0-100%) is the ratio of 'FB value' as it falls between 'FP Cal High' (100%) and 'FP Cal Low' (0%)

FB Cal Low

PID feedback (0-100%) is the ratio of 'FB value' as it falls between 'FP Cal High' (100%) and 'FP Cal Low' (0%)

SP Max Rate

Maximal rate of change allowed on the setpoint input. If the setpoint input rises or falls at a greater rate than specified, then the rate of change is limited by the PID controller. This translates to the level of smoothing noted on the output PWM signal.

SP Filter

The degree of filtering applied on the setpoint input.

PID Setup

P, I, D

Proportional, Derivative and Integral gain coefficients.


Feed-forward gain value


Setpoint deadband. No PID response will be actioned while the change in setpoint is inside the deadband.

PWM Setup


Frequency of PID PWM output signal (Fixed)

Duty Max

The maximum duty cycle of PID PWM output signal from 0-100%

Duty Min

The minimum duty cycle of PID PWM output signal from 0-100%

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