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GP Functions

GP Function blocks allow a pin to be controlled directly by a GP Logic, CAN Stream, CAN Keypad, or Math block via its Condition Parameters.

GP Function Configuration

Output Pin

Choose which pin to control

Condition Parameters

Select a status variable, an operator and a value. The resulting status controls the Output pin

  • The second Value field is used for the "Between" and "Outside" operators


Sets a delay time. Waits this many seconds before changing the output State to Active.


The condition must evaluate to False for at least the Pulse time before the Inactive state is set on the Output

Freq Param

When not None, sets the output PWM frequency cycle to the value set by the selected parameter. In this case, the Freq Value setting is not used.

Freq Value

When Freq Param is None, sets a fixed frequency PWM output.

Duty Param

When not None, sets the output PWM frequency cycle to the value set by the selected parameter. In this case, the Duty Value setting is not used.

Duty Value

When Duty Param is None, sets a fixed Duty Cycle PWM output.

Set to 100% to make the Output pin follow the Condition Status.


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