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Link TCXX Specifications


Link Part Number: 101-0384

DTM 4 CAN Pinout (Supports Links CAN pinout schema and CAN cables range)

Pin 1: 12V
Pin 2: Ground
Pin 3: Can Low
Pin 4: Can High

  • Accuracy: maximum 2% deviation

  • Dimension (L x W x H) – 97.3 x 31.5 x 34.6mm



Link Part Number: 101-0388

DTM 4 CAN Pinout (Supports Links CAN pinout schema and CAN cables range)

Pin 1: 12V
Pin 2: Ground
Pin 3: Can Low
Pin 4: Can High

  • Accuracy: maximum 2% deviation

  • Dimension (L x W x H) – 129 x 31.5 x 34.6mm


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