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The PDM is supplied with a bracket to make mounting as easy as possible. Please see the QuickStart guide included in the box for a 1:1 scale template.

Hardware sizes

PDM Enclosure


Mounting Plate


Main Terminals


Although the PDM is environmentally sealed it is recommended to be positioned with the least possible direct contact with the outside environment.

Powering high current devices will generate heat in the PDM. The enclosure of the PDM has been designed to dissipate as much heat as possible, however care should be taken when mounting to ensure it is NOT positioned in an area of extreme heat, close to exhaust systems or engines. 

Under large loads, the PDM will get hot, consider PDM location when mounting. If the PDM gets too hot it will turn the outputs off (user definable temperature settings). You can still connect to the PDM via USB to read PDM temperature. If this happens consider changing the mounting location or reducing the loads.

For optimal performance, the temperature of the PDM should be kept as low as possible. This can be done by directly mounting it to a large flat metallic surface with airflow across it (either across the PDM or the mounting surface).

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