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Ford EcoBoost 2.0 R9DA

Applicable Car: Ford Focus ST 2.0 (2012-2017)

The data provided below was created using a test vehicle with a Voodoo Pro and DI Driver-4. This vehicle is an older model escort with the EcoBoost 2.0 R9DA engine swapped into it

Provided map does not include any CAN data for the Focus ST.




Voodoo Pro Sample map

  • Injector flow characterization

  • Injector deadtime data

  • Injection timing

  • HP fuel pump calibration

  • HP fuel pump deadtime

  • HP fuel pump cam profile

Ford Ecoboost 2.0 R9DA Voodoo + Link DI4 driver.pcl5

DI Driver Configuration

  • Injector current profile

  • HP fuel pump current profile

Ford EcoBoost 2.0 R9DA.dic

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